Parental Capacity Assessment

Elements CTS Ltd. offers Parental Capacity Assessments based on a holistic framework encompassing the strengths and needs of a family and the developmental assessment of each child within the family. We focus on relevant, evidence-based factors that contribute to family wellness or maltreatment including a Holistic Wellness Strengths & Needs Assessment, a wellness-risk assessment continuum to explore the factors that contribute to child maltreatment and those that contribute to family/child well being, child-specific developmental assessment and make recommendations that take into account legal premises of relevant child and family legislation – both family and criminal law – along with relevant family and cultural considerations for the child and family in question.

Our Framework

We will explore the separate but interrelated assessment factors using the Strengths-Needs Continuum and identify how each factor can either help reduce child maltreatment and improve wellness or greatly increase a child’s risk of harm and detract from wellness.

Assessments are conducted utilizing a collaborative approach between the client’s ecosystems and multiple therapists with varying specialties and lenses. This type of approach allows for assessments to be conducted in the most ethical, non-biased, and holistic manner. All therapists involved in the assessment process have received specialized training in assessing parental capacity and child development.


$6000-$9000 Dependent on needs, time, complexity, number of interviews, observations and collaterals.

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